Dalja the Vampire girl (뱀파이어소녀 달자) is an animation series that partially shares the elements of Shinbi Apartment. It has been broadcasting in South Korea since 2021, and it is not yet known whether it will be broadcast overseas.
It is not known whether it is included in the Shinbi apartment universe, but it has been mentioned as a famous animation on the show's universe.
Usually the show is drawn in chibi style, but there are also scenes that are suddenly drawn in anime style, for example, the episode of Ramen.
Vampire Lores[]
Like the canon, it features vampires, yet they likely have the show's own lores.
They may be uncommon or considered "fictional" in-universe as Donggu and his father watched a television movie about a vampire who resembles an "archetypally Dracula-like vampire" comes from a famous actor Bela Lugosi's vampire persona and many humans (except for Donggu and Baek Manjang) don't know Dalja's vampiric nature.
Elise's frightening (or outraged) face in the episode 18 (as a man in a zombie costume was scared of her frightening face), Dalja's "creepy child" nature, and Manjang in the episode 26 indicate when a vampire is outraged, they can be dangerous. For the Manjang's case: Although he is a human, he gets a vampire power through his experiment using Dalja in the episode 26.
Both real vampires (Dalja and her family) Manjang's vampire form can glare their "outraged red eyes" temporarily. The ability similar reference to Ian's "undisguised eyes" in the canon.
- CJ E&M participated in the show like Shinbi Apartment, but it was made by a company different from the company that produced Shinbi Apartment's animation.
- The show features two ghosts from Shinbi Apartment, Sandman and Ciriatto, and also Gwanglim, a boy who resembles Kanglim Choi.
- The universe of the show is a different universe from Shinbi Apartment universe.
- In the show, ordinary people can also see ordinary ghosts without any objects.
- Vampires in Shinbi apartments are vulnerable to sunlight, but the vampires in the show have no effect on sunlight.
- In the show, Shinbi and Kang-lim is nothing more than a fictional character in a famous animation.
- The fictional school that appears in the show, Ttaengbyeot (means 'scorching sun' in Korean) Elementary School, has the opposite meaning to Byeolbit (means 'starlight' in Korean) Elementary School, the alma mater of Hari and her friends.